Profile PictureCEO Boot Camp

20 minutes! Can't you invest 20 minutes to run your company better? I've written these eBooks to be bite-sized bits of practical suggestions you can put to work right away. They're full of advice and techniques I've been using with my clients nation-wide since 1994, and in my own companies since 1979. Obviously in 20 minutes and for a few bucks you won't get what my clients pay thousands for. They get customization, accountabilty, facilitation with their team etc. But because I can only work with a few select clients at a time, I want to make this knowledge available to more business owners than I have time to work with. CLICK ON A PICTURE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THAT eBOOK. They are all in PDF format - readable on phones, tablets and computers. By the way, if a price says $0 - it's FREE. The system will ask if you want to pay something anyway. Sorry, I can't eliminate that feature. Just put 0 for the price and ignore the credit card info. Overwhelmed? There's a lot here. I'd recommend starting with MANAGING YOUR CUSTOMERS. It's a very practical exercise that shows results right away and most people have never done anthing like it before.

CEO Time
